I am feeling bored hence I need to write some crap to make me busy. Since chaotic democracy India is currently undergoing election, I want to look at democracy in the perceptive of elite and illiterate. But the funny thing here is these two people are invited for a forum on democracy in their local constituency by collector of the district. The illiterate dressed in lungi and cotton shirt; the elite dressed in branded pant and shirt. Both of them went into the room the elite wished the collector but illiterate bowed his head down to show his respect for the collector. Collector asked them to take seat and he started briefing these two people on the objectives of today’s meeting.
He says since our Indian democracy is going for election we, the government officials really wanted to know whether the objectives of democracy has been fulfilled in this 60 year long journey. So, He said, want an opinion of rich and poor, educated and uneducated on what really democracy means to them? He told them to be frank and honest but don’t quarrel among them. He basically gave some of his insights such as Do you think political parties truly represent the people whom elected it? What do you think we need to improve our governance? Do you think the Indian government really fulfilling your economic needs? And etc.
Actually in real debates or discussion it is always the uneducated who start first because he/she usually don’t speak from mind but they speak from their heart. Emotions always flow faster than thoughts so our illiterate started telling all the problems he was facing ranging from basic amenities to sophisticated schools. He said that his house most of the time experience outage, water problem and none from municipality attends his sewage problem. Government doesn’t pay market price for his rice he sells at its purchase centre. So he don’t care what democracy really means unless these buggers fix my basic problem which they are ought to do.
The rich elite guy started talking about freedom of speech, good governance, and regulation of markets, urbanization, Industrialization and modernization of education. Indian democracy is not true democracy at all, its policies never represent the popular opinion of the public and political parties basically polarize people based on caste, religion and status for votes. We know that wining of political parties doesn’t depend on its incumbent achievements or past track record or future policy goals but just depend on debauching the poor by liquor, money on the Election Day. It is not a democracy when people don’t vote by their conscious but by their guilt.
Collector was as furious as these two people so he really wanted an opinion on how to solve this mess. The uneducated gave an idea that candidates should be scrutinized by public in a public forum open to all. It has to be telecasted or broadcasted so that everyone can watch it. The elite said besides that we need to change the apathy of the upper and rich class towards to Election. We need to over haul our constitution to make two party political systems. We need to raise the bar on the eligibility of the candidates who are contesting in the election.
The district collector ended the forum and he said he will look into all the demands, will forward this forum discussion to the legislative committee to consider some changes. He was quiet moved by the co operation, passion and caring showed by two stark sections of the society. He said he will look into the problems of uneducated guy’s locality and also promised that he will conduct some awareness camp in rich neighborhood.
There is a fundamental flaw in your assumption. What makes you think uneducated guys are poor? There are many uneducated rich people.
In majority of the case uneducated people are unable to climb the social ladder in our globalized India too. Hence I strongly believe my assumption is right in most cases. I should say exceptions like some rich uneducated people are not examples to quotes.
Point taken :)
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