Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Can "Slumdog" be a Millionaire?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tumultuous year is gonna end!
I think almost every person on the planet “Earth” might have read something about the financial crisis. The causes of this crisis must be left to academics to analysis and understand to come up with credible answers to be the unanswered questions of this crisis. One of my friends working in sector related to Banking remarked to me, financial world works on two phenomena i.e. Credit and Debt. Developed World such as USA and UK has left a huge hole in the credit by spending a lot and they also borrowed a huge sum of money from so called Sea of foreign reserve country “China”. In process, USA and UK markets are left with limited credit to finance their business operations. This failure was also accompanied by the apparent bust of housing market in USA and UK. Then everything else is history, the collapse of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and near bankruptcy of American International Group (AIG) and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
All these lack of credit and too much of debt problems caused banks not to finance to other banks and other business. This has now led to the global recession accompanied by severe loss of employment. It is estimated over 3 million people have lost jobs in US and about somewhere in UK and Europe. Almost all the developed world is right now in severe recession. I am a resident of Singapore. Singapore doesn’t have a market of its own. It was very successful in creating hinterlands in USA markets. So when USA market was hit badly by recession and low consumer spending, Singapore acknowledged that it will contract its economy. The job losses in Singapore is also severe and Government is doing all it can do to prevent it. This is what all the Governments around the world are doing like bailing out its banks and companies.
What is really fascinating to me is the end of free market economy in the land which staunchly supported and campaigned for it i.e. USA. The people who work or manage Banks are considered to be high IQ people. Only selective people can go to Investment Banks and its one of the highly financially rewarding jobs. Ironically, it’s these high IQ people who screwed the system and got swayed by the money. Every common man on the street asks why should I pay my tax money to save those greedy bankers? We should also understand that Banks are epicenter of any recession because all the business activities depends on the financing of banks. Hence it may be rational to bail out banks.
This Global economic crisis will teach every individual some form of lesson. It will make some countries more competitive, some may embrace protectionist policies. Human mind constantly thinks to innovate. It is always said only at crisis time, the true potential of a human is tested. I think, we will innovate some model which will be resilient to this scale of crisis in the future. This crisis has once again reinstated those old Buddha’s words. The root cause of all evils is money. I think we should invent something else apart from money to differ each one of us. I am kidding anyway. I seriously don’t know what will happen to the world in 2009. I pray to God like everyone to be pleasant and enchanting.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Broken Dreams- Part2- Wonder girl Kalpana
Some of his village friends who didn’t get promoted usually take up farming or other traditional occupations. Sometimes, Ezhil thinks he shouldn’t follow the path of others in his village. He thought of becoming professional and a unique person from his villagers. His semi town school was co education. His association with a girl called Kalpana who is one year elder than him brought happiness to life. It was his first association with a girl and she used to share a lot of things with him. The stories of Kalpana were interesting to Ezhil because it was coming out from the mouth of Kalpana. He could not understand what relationship between him and her is in that tender age. He thoroughly enjoyed her company during their tour to mahabalipuram. He also understood what all girls used to discuss among themselves. He was amazed when he saw these girls talk about love and marriage at 6th class.
One day at school, Kalpana run to Ezhil to discuss something very important. It was a shock even to Ezhil because what she said to Ezhil was something he could not handle at that age. Some guy from neighboring school was ogling at her all the time she goes to home and he follows her all the way to home. She also said, one time he even tired talking to her but she ran off from that place. Ezhil was puzzled and could not understand the situation clearly. He asked her to chuck it. She also consulted with her friends and decided to go in some other route to her house.
The school was suddenly buzzing with the talk of school pupil leader and assistant school pupil leader. The school has only class till 6th standard so traditionally only 6th and 5th standard students can become school pupil and assistant pupil leaders respectively. Kalpana approached Ezhil to cast in the election as assistant school pupil leader since she was close to the person who was standing as school pupil leader. Ezhil also heeded the request of Kalpana and campaigned along with that person. Ezhil won the election by vast majority to become assistant school pupil leader. He sincerely thanked Kalpana for her efforts and support. The relationship of Kalpana was ended when he shifted his school to some town English Medium matriculation board.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Broken Dreams-part one- Village Boy
I have move my blog to
This is a story of a man who wants to be one of those rags to riches story but it was shattered due to the hypocrisy of the people surrounding him and his unlucky life. He was born in the helmet of some unknown shanty village in the southern cone of India. His name was Ezhil. His parents were uneducated, poor and naïve. They were suppressed by the so called elite upper caste and doesn’t enjoy the freedom of education in their times. His mother badly wanted her children to get education. She cannot meet the ends because of inappropriate spending of his father.
He had three siblings, two sisters and one brother. One of his siblings died when he was at the age of eight. Unfortunately, other two of his siblings were enrolled in the regional language school of that southern state. This state is known for rhetoric speeches or demagogues by the politicians about the native language but they failed to protect or live up to their linguist chauvinism. The compulsory state language policies were totally failed and can’t stand against the charm of English language. Everyone in the cities and towns enrolled their children in English medium schools but ezhil’s parents’ were ignorant and forced them to enroll his siblings in native language. Ezhil’s sister savitha was known for her eloquence in her mother tongue. She used to win any oratorical or essay writing competition conducted in her school.
Ezhil’s brother Kalaignar was considered to one of the best muggers in his school days. He used to top his class until 8th standard. Since he was enrolled in a state board school, he can top any subjects just by memorizing without understanding it. The state board system in this state is best known to be obsolete and purely based on rote learning. The academicians have criticized the state Government for not looking into the curriculum and change it to meet the real needs of education. Kalaignar was scared of filthy relatives who come to house and gossip about others. He is also famous among his friends for grand mom or father stories. His friends used to love him because of his innocence and harmless behaviour.
Ezhil was the second last child in his family. He was fortunate in the whole family to go to an English medium school because his father was enlightened by his cousin that only English medium schools return you with lot of money. His father got wooed by the money part since he was poor and enrolled Ezhil in English medium school. In his childhood days, Ezhil doesn’t like to go to his schools because he was literally helpless in his school. Though his mother was a housewife and had good formal knowledge on their mother tongue, he never learnt his native language from her. He always used to be very poor in his mother tongue subject. When he was at 3rd standard his younger sister died, he was very upset and depressed. Though he couldn’t grasp the happenings of the event well enough but he cried a lot because he can’t feel the life of his sister who was lying on the table. The pain of the moment made him mouth struck in his class for a long time and he got relieved only after a month.
Story will continue………..